
Valentin Bonnet Gibet - PostDoc
Long-term coupled evolution of Earth’s mantle and core
DFG Priority Program DeepDyn

Siddhant Agarwal - PostDoc
Physics-based machine learning for mantle convection
BMBF Program Data competence for early career researchers

Marina Cano Amoros - PhD student (co-advising with Nadine Nettelmann)
Interior structure and evolution of Uranus and Neptune
DFG Research Unit Matter under planetary interior conditions

Aleeda Charly - MSc student
Interior structure of low-mass exoplanets with constraints

Former students and postdocs:

Philipp Baumeister (2017-2023) - MSc and PhD
Siddhant Agarwal (2018-2022) - PhD
Falko Schulz (2017-2021) - MSc and PhD
Vojtěch Patočka (2018-2020) - PostDoc
Maxime Maurice (2015-2020) - MSc and PhD
Shuoran Yu (2017-2020) - PhD (co-advising)
Athanasia Nikolaou (2015-2019) - PhD
Oliver Henke-Seemann (2019) - BSc
Alexandre Gallot (2019) - MSc
Dennis Höning (2016-2018) - PostDoc
Sebastiano Padovan (2015-2017) - PostDoc
Sebastian Prinz (2014) - MSc
Magdalena Haselsteiner (2014) - BSc
Annika Stuke (2013) - BSc